Monday, July 27, 2009


This past weekend I learned something. San Diego Summer Project is actually the most unique stateside summer project. It is the largest by far with 120 students and 40 staff, whereas the average is probably around 40 students. This dynamic of a large project is so inspiring because there will always be people that you don't know or haven't talked to and it's just so much fun. I can't imagine a summer project with less numbers!

IDK if other summer projects do this, but we are arranged into things called growth groups, a group of three or four guys or girls, and this is your small group for the summer. We talk to them and grow closer together in the Lord. Again, idk if other summer projects do this, but it is one way I have been spoiled by SDSP.

SDSP is so different from other summer projects also in the fact that we visit different college campuses around the area, not all summer projects do this. We also started this program called Fireseeds, or the Movement Launching Team at these campuses. Several SDSP students were selected to be a Fireseed. It is their full-time job to go to campus and talk to people and get contacts so that they can start a CRU or strengthen the organization that is already there. Mesa CC and UCSD are going to be starting new CRUs this fall!!! That is so exciting. Fireseeds was such a success that the national office is going to spread the idea of Fireseeds to all summer projects next summer- or those that have colleges around them. SD is full of them!

In conclusion, SDSP has spoiled me. I must have chosen the best project to go on. All 120 of these people are amazing! SDSP has just been a real blessing to me; it has been one of those avenues that has allowed me to strengthen my relationship with the Lord. I wouldn't have my summer project be any other way! In my opinion, all summer projects pale in comparison to San Diego Summer Project!

Friday, July 24, 2009

How Far I've Come

Two weeks and not counting.  I find it so hard to believe that there's only 2 weeks left of project.  When I look at how far I've come in the past 8 weeks, the only thing I can say is that God is amazing.

In sharing my faith, I went from believing evangelism wasn't important 4 months ago, and now I have more evangelism training than 95% of the world's pastors.  I've had 7 conversations in the past 2 weeks that have challenged me beyond my recognition, and I can say that although none of them accepted Christ, we definitely planted a seed.  I can honestly say that I can hold my own now and that I cannot wait to share my faith on campus at Salisbury.  SDSU is cool and all, but I wanna change SU sooooo bad!

I've also encountered Christians coming out of the woodwork at my job, on the beach, at campus, and it's just amazing talking to them.  Their words are very encouraging and it gives me energy to continue my mission out here.

Yesterday, I had a great opportunity to visit the San Diego Zoo.  The world famous one.  Did you know that Pumba from the Lion King was designed after one of the pigs at SDZ?  It's true.  We met the real Pumba.  Be jealous.  We spent almost 8 hours walking around he park, and we still didn't get to see all the animals.  It's just a huge zoo.  We rode the Skyfari, a chairlift that takes you to the top of the hill, and you could see the whole park from there.  So beautiful. 

When I think about all the opportunities I've had with Campus Crusade, all I can think of is wow.  I've been able to visit Washington DC, Panama City, San Diego, places that I've never been, and doing things that I've never done.  Things that challenge me and weird things and cool things and I definitely will not take my time in college for granted.

When I look at how far I've come from before college, all I can say is God is Awesome!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Wrapping it up

Wow, almost 3 weeks left in San Diego.  Time flew by.  I feel like I just got here.  There's still so much I haven't done and people I haven't talked to, and I feel as if I'm running out of time.  I've just got to take the the rest of my time here and not take any of it for granted, because I won't see a lot of these people again, and I love them all!

Anyway, It's been a while since I last updated, but a lot has been going on!  I'm trying to rack my brain as to what exactly has happened, it's all a blur!  Last week's theme was community, and I definitely experienced the Christian community that it meant to happen.  I had more soul-to-souls with guys than in the first week!  I love getting to know other people on a deeper level and sharing my story with them.  It's one thing just to talk to someone, but to have a deep conversation is something that really brings people closer together.  Along with the community theme, we took a day trip to Los Angeles, and we got to sit in the audience of the Price is Right!  It was so much fun!  The set is a lot smaller than it looks on TV.  But they taped 2 shows and 3 of our students from SDSP got to the panel!  Look for them to air on Oct 13 and 14 I believe!

Other than that I've just been living life at the beach.  Going to Belmont Park and riding the roller coaster, visiting CA restaurants (In N Out!), and sharing with people at San Diego State.

I really don't want to go home, but I'm really excited to bring home everything that I've learned out here.  Freshman BOB, watch out!  Big things are coming!  Events team, your sox are gonna be rocked off!  Leadership team, be prepared!  Wyldlife, be on the lookout!