Friday, June 26, 2009

Almost halfway there.

End of week 4.  Almost halfway done.  It's hard to believe it.  Time has gone by so fast.  I've had so much fun and learned so much that I can't wait to see what's in store for me in the next 6 weeks.

I had a big revelation this week at my Night of Reflection.  I was thinking about my family and how screwed up it is, and how glad I am that I'm not there.  Then I started thinking of all the training that I'm getting.  I could be the light in the darkness for my family.  If I told my dad the gospel and had him start a relationship with God, things could get so much better for everyone.  He would no longer wallow in self pity and focus on the future in a positive way.  I need to be held accountable here.  I need to talk to my dad.

This week was the International Dinner.  I'm going to keep the details a secret, but what I will say is that we were all assigned a country in the world and had to be that country for a night.  It opened up my eyes as to how privileged we are in the US both in terms of wealth and of the gospel.  The gospel is widespread here, but some countries have never heard of who Jesus is.  I was assigned to Greece and even today, there is still some hostility toward Christians.  They know the gospel, they just need a kick in the butt to have a relationship with God.

Then the Men's Retreat.  We set up camp in the middle of the desert.  Scorching hot during the day, freezing cold at night.  Nothing like camping on the East coast.  There was a pool, we played volleyball, and ate big, delicious steaks.  Mmmm.  They were so goooood!  But best of all, I got to listen to Dan Allan as he spoke about becoming a man.  I am so excited to have a wife and honor her in every way and just live for Christ forever.  Generation Sigma forever.  It's another secret I won't tell you.  You'll just have to come out to San Diego next summer to find out...

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