Thursday, June 18, 2009

Highest of Highs

This week so far has been a lot of sharing my faith, Big Break style.  We've been doing it every day this week, and it's not over, but here are some of my stories.

I talked to some Mormons with Emily and Jess.  That was crazy.  I did not know anything about Mormonism, but now I know a little bit more about them.  It was funny, they said they said they were from Utah, and I was thinking, uh oh, are they Mormons.  When we got the question about what happens after death, they said "well here's the thing: we're Mormons..."  It turned into them telling us about their faith.  I was so confused, they believe in 3 heavens and depending on the works you do in your life directs you to which heaven you go to, and you can keep progressing in heaven and eventually become your own god with your own universe.  It's crazy.  I didn't know what to say to them without telling them that they're wrong flat out.  So we said goodbye and left.

The next day, I went out with this girl Adrian to share.  We weren't having much luck finding college age kids to talk to, so I was just going to talk to the next person that looked remotely my age.  I saw this one kid sitting on the ledge, so we approached him, and he was really nice.  He said he was from Virginia and he just finished the 10th grade and he was out here on vacation with his older brother and some of his friends.    So I asked the first question, what three words would you use to describe yourself, and one of the words he used was tough.  I asked him why and he said because his parents were divorcing.  Boom, connection right there.  I related so well to Nathan, which is probably why God directed me to him.  He said his desire to know God was an 8, so I asked him if he wanted to go through the KGP, and he said that he really needed it so much right now.  So I went through it with him.  Adrian stood there praying the whole time, and I never stumbled, didn't forget anything, and it was just awesome.  I had never gone through the KGP so smoothly before.  I can attribute that as God speaking through me.  I was only the vessel that he used.  He was so attentive and genuinely interested, that when I got to the prayer, I asked him if he wanted to pray it, and he said that he didn't know.  He was doubtful because he was so young.  I said that he could do it right here right now, it doesn't matter that he's only 16 years old.  So he said he would love to, so I prayed it with him, and he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior!!!  I've been the wingman in conversations where someone has accepted Christ, but never the leader.  It was such an awesome feeling to know that the Kingdom of God has one more person.  I gave him my phone number, and he said that he would definitely call me if he had any questions or just wanted to chat.  I've never felt so much love and compassion for a stranger before.  I wonder if this is what Jesus felt like.  So pray for Nathan, pray that his pains are calmed and that he just continues to seek out the help of God.

I was on cloud 9, and now I was supposed to meet Taylor, my accountability partner to do a soul-to-soul.  We went to Denny's and spent about 2 hours there until midnight.  I shared my story and  he shared his, and he told me things that he's never told another person, not even his growth group.  I feel very happy about being paired with Taylor.  He is an awesome kid and I know that we are just going to lift each other up and make each other the Christian men that God wants us to be.  His words are so kind and I know that we are going to have a lifelong friendship.

Continue to pray for my job!


  1. Ah man Matt, I'm so jealous/happy for you! Keep sharing the good news my friend, I'm praying hardcore for you!

  2. sounds awesome Matt! way to let God work through you. that's tight!
