Thursday, August 13, 2009

The End...Or A New Beginning

So, I've been home for almost a week now and I can honestly say that I am a changed person. What I have learned this summer will be invaluable in my quest to honor God. I am truly blessed that I got to have this experience. I learned numerous things about leadership and my faith that I can apply to my own life.

1. Realizing what the Gospel really means-The Gospel was just pounded into me this summer, and now I know truly what grace means and that it's not by the things that we do that makes us Christians.

2. Trusting in the Lord for everything-Whether it's money, relationships, education, whatever, bring it before the Lord. There's nothing too big or too little that He can't handle. I saw the results of trusting in God, and it was absolutely awesome!

3. Giving your life to Christ-A lot of people wrestle with how to fit God's plan into their life, when we should be asking how our lives fit into God's plan. If we truly were devoted to God, we would go anywhere and do anything in His name. If God is calling me to be a missionary in China, then so be it. Right now, I don't know what God's calling me to do, but I do have skills that would be fruitful overseas.

4. Being a Christian Man-Through our men's times and the men's retreat as well as reading Wild at Heart, I learned what it really means to be a Christian man. Rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, loving sacrificially, and expecting God's greater reward. I am part of a fraternity, a fraternity of Christian men that know how to treat Excellent women of God.

5. Knowing God even more-Christianity is a relationship, and the only way to strengthen a relationship is to spend time together. I realized the importance of daily quiet times reading the Bible and praying, just getting closer to God. When we are closest to God, we are most satisfied in Him, when we are most satisfied in Him, He is most glorified in us.

6. Knowledge of the Bible-This is still a work in progress, even over a lifetime, but I feel like I have a better grasp on the Bible. Regurgitating scripture comes more naturally now. This comes in handy when discipling or sharing my faith, especially with atheists or people of other religions.

7. Sharing my faith-Sharing my faith became an almost simple task. My confidence has increased and now, I feel like I could talk to anyone. I now know how to smoothly transition to the Gospel and not make it awkward, because it's only awkward if you make it awkward. I also found out that following up with people is very important to foster their new faith. Letting yourself be the vessel that the Holy Spirit uses is such a great feeling when you come out of a good conversation.

8. Discipling-This is probably the most important thing that an organization like Cru can offer. Having someone older and wiser in their faith is imperative to a young Christian's developing faith. I cannot wait to lead my freshman bible study and be that annoying guy that calls you every week about bible study and Cru! I cannot wait to meet with my guys and have one on one time, because that is where faith is fostered.

9. Outreach/Advertisement-I learned numerous ways to reach out to people to get them to come to FNL, and I cannot wait to utilize some of these to get people to come to Cru. That is how we can get our numbers back up!

10. Organization-I learned how Cru is organized and I hope to maybe reorganize our Cru, so that it runs more efficiently.

These were just a few of the big things that I learned, but there are many more. The community that I experienced there was so intensely god-centered that it's been really hard leaving it. I have made friends that will undoubtedly be standing at my wedding. I love every single one of you SDSPers. Let me tell you of our last day:

Thursday, we decide to stay up all night to get as much time with everyone as possible. I woke up at 9am that day and went kayaking, so I was tired and maybe took a nap. People started leaving at 3am, so we stood along the rail and in the road making uncopious amounts of noise for hours that night. By 5am, the sun had started rising, and people were already crying. I told myself that I wasn't gonna cry. But as the people that I love left, I just couldn't take it. My roommate Caleb left, and I got choked up. Then my other roommate James left and I got teared up. But then 7am rolls around and Deven is taking Bekah and I to the airport. I said my goodbyes to everyone, but then I got to Ryon. Ryon is probably the one guy who I was closest to, being in my growth group and all. When I saw his face, I just lost it. Deven had been doing rounds to the airport and he said our ride was unusually calm. He described each other ride as intense sobbing by everyone lol.

Bekah was flying Southwest to Baltimore through Phoenix, and I was flying Air Tran to Baltimore through Atlanta. Our planes arrived at the same time, so we decided to meet up at BWI. I sat while she got her boarding pass and chatted for about an hour, we still had like 4 hours to spare, but we went our separate ways to our terminals. I picked up my boarding pass and got in line for security when I see Kim and Courtney from project! It was so reassuring having people that I knew with me.

When we get to our terminal, we see Elizabeth, and soon we are accompanied by James, Emily, Anton, Jenn, Heidi, Keller, Corinne, Matt, Tyler, Kevin, Kelsey, Luke, and even more. It was like a mini-reunion! Most of us were on different flights, but I was on the same flight to Atlanta as Matt and Tyler! It was so nice having people on my flight that I knew. It was like a 5 hour flight, but I don't remember much of it at all. I remember seeing the flight attendant doing the safety talk then my eyes couldn't stay open, being awake for about 30 hours at this point. I woke up when we were landing in Atlanta. Then the three of us found our terminal, got some dinner, then my plane left for Baltimore, and theirs didn't leave for a while going to Dulles. So I bid farewell and got on my plane to Baltimore. I slept again and was in Baltimore before I new it. I met my dad outside security and we went to pick up my bags. Then I walked to Southwest and there's Bekah! I said bye to her and told her we would hang out later, since she lives in Reisterstown. Then I got home at around 12:30am on the 8th. What a day! What a summer!

If there's one thing I'm going to take away from this experience it is how much love there was there. I cannot wait to get back to Salisbury and spread that love to others, and hopefully bring people with me to San Diego,if I decide to go back and intern.

Thanks for reading my long post. I only hope that what I've written here has an impact on you and maybe sways you to go on a summer project yourself!

Monday, July 27, 2009


This past weekend I learned something. San Diego Summer Project is actually the most unique stateside summer project. It is the largest by far with 120 students and 40 staff, whereas the average is probably around 40 students. This dynamic of a large project is so inspiring because there will always be people that you don't know or haven't talked to and it's just so much fun. I can't imagine a summer project with less numbers!

IDK if other summer projects do this, but we are arranged into things called growth groups, a group of three or four guys or girls, and this is your small group for the summer. We talk to them and grow closer together in the Lord. Again, idk if other summer projects do this, but it is one way I have been spoiled by SDSP.

SDSP is so different from other summer projects also in the fact that we visit different college campuses around the area, not all summer projects do this. We also started this program called Fireseeds, or the Movement Launching Team at these campuses. Several SDSP students were selected to be a Fireseed. It is their full-time job to go to campus and talk to people and get contacts so that they can start a CRU or strengthen the organization that is already there. Mesa CC and UCSD are going to be starting new CRUs this fall!!! That is so exciting. Fireseeds was such a success that the national office is going to spread the idea of Fireseeds to all summer projects next summer- or those that have colleges around them. SD is full of them!

In conclusion, SDSP has spoiled me. I must have chosen the best project to go on. All 120 of these people are amazing! SDSP has just been a real blessing to me; it has been one of those avenues that has allowed me to strengthen my relationship with the Lord. I wouldn't have my summer project be any other way! In my opinion, all summer projects pale in comparison to San Diego Summer Project!

Friday, July 24, 2009

How Far I've Come

Two weeks and not counting.  I find it so hard to believe that there's only 2 weeks left of project.  When I look at how far I've come in the past 8 weeks, the only thing I can say is that God is amazing.

In sharing my faith, I went from believing evangelism wasn't important 4 months ago, and now I have more evangelism training than 95% of the world's pastors.  I've had 7 conversations in the past 2 weeks that have challenged me beyond my recognition, and I can say that although none of them accepted Christ, we definitely planted a seed.  I can honestly say that I can hold my own now and that I cannot wait to share my faith on campus at Salisbury.  SDSU is cool and all, but I wanna change SU sooooo bad!

I've also encountered Christians coming out of the woodwork at my job, on the beach, at campus, and it's just amazing talking to them.  Their words are very encouraging and it gives me energy to continue my mission out here.

Yesterday, I had a great opportunity to visit the San Diego Zoo.  The world famous one.  Did you know that Pumba from the Lion King was designed after one of the pigs at SDZ?  It's true.  We met the real Pumba.  Be jealous.  We spent almost 8 hours walking around he park, and we still didn't get to see all the animals.  It's just a huge zoo.  We rode the Skyfari, a chairlift that takes you to the top of the hill, and you could see the whole park from there.  So beautiful. 

When I think about all the opportunities I've had with Campus Crusade, all I can think of is wow.  I've been able to visit Washington DC, Panama City, San Diego, places that I've never been, and doing things that I've never done.  Things that challenge me and weird things and cool things and I definitely will not take my time in college for granted.

When I look at how far I've come from before college, all I can say is God is Awesome!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Wrapping it up

Wow, almost 3 weeks left in San Diego.  Time flew by.  I feel like I just got here.  There's still so much I haven't done and people I haven't talked to, and I feel as if I'm running out of time.  I've just got to take the the rest of my time here and not take any of it for granted, because I won't see a lot of these people again, and I love them all!

Anyway, It's been a while since I last updated, but a lot has been going on!  I'm trying to rack my brain as to what exactly has happened, it's all a blur!  Last week's theme was community, and I definitely experienced the Christian community that it meant to happen.  I had more soul-to-souls with guys than in the first week!  I love getting to know other people on a deeper level and sharing my story with them.  It's one thing just to talk to someone, but to have a deep conversation is something that really brings people closer together.  Along with the community theme, we took a day trip to Los Angeles, and we got to sit in the audience of the Price is Right!  It was so much fun!  The set is a lot smaller than it looks on TV.  But they taped 2 shows and 3 of our students from SDSP got to the panel!  Look for them to air on Oct 13 and 14 I believe!

Other than that I've just been living life at the beach.  Going to Belmont Park and riding the roller coaster, visiting CA restaurants (In N Out!), and sharing with people at San Diego State.

I really don't want to go home, but I'm really excited to bring home everything that I've learned out here.  Freshman BOB, watch out!  Big things are coming!  Events team, your sox are gonna be rocked off!  Leadership team, be prepared!  Wyldlife, be on the lookout!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Almost halfway there.

End of week 4.  Almost halfway done.  It's hard to believe it.  Time has gone by so fast.  I've had so much fun and learned so much that I can't wait to see what's in store for me in the next 6 weeks.

I had a big revelation this week at my Night of Reflection.  I was thinking about my family and how screwed up it is, and how glad I am that I'm not there.  Then I started thinking of all the training that I'm getting.  I could be the light in the darkness for my family.  If I told my dad the gospel and had him start a relationship with God, things could get so much better for everyone.  He would no longer wallow in self pity and focus on the future in a positive way.  I need to be held accountable here.  I need to talk to my dad.

This week was the International Dinner.  I'm going to keep the details a secret, but what I will say is that we were all assigned a country in the world and had to be that country for a night.  It opened up my eyes as to how privileged we are in the US both in terms of wealth and of the gospel.  The gospel is widespread here, but some countries have never heard of who Jesus is.  I was assigned to Greece and even today, there is still some hostility toward Christians.  They know the gospel, they just need a kick in the butt to have a relationship with God.

Then the Men's Retreat.  We set up camp in the middle of the desert.  Scorching hot during the day, freezing cold at night.  Nothing like camping on the East coast.  There was a pool, we played volleyball, and ate big, delicious steaks.  Mmmm.  They were so goooood!  But best of all, I got to listen to Dan Allan as he spoke about becoming a man.  I am so excited to have a wife and honor her in every way and just live for Christ forever.  Generation Sigma forever.  It's another secret I won't tell you.  You'll just have to come out to San Diego next summer to find out...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Highest of Highs

This week so far has been a lot of sharing my faith, Big Break style.  We've been doing it every day this week, and it's not over, but here are some of my stories.

I talked to some Mormons with Emily and Jess.  That was crazy.  I did not know anything about Mormonism, but now I know a little bit more about them.  It was funny, they said they said they were from Utah, and I was thinking, uh oh, are they Mormons.  When we got the question about what happens after death, they said "well here's the thing: we're Mormons..."  It turned into them telling us about their faith.  I was so confused, they believe in 3 heavens and depending on the works you do in your life directs you to which heaven you go to, and you can keep progressing in heaven and eventually become your own god with your own universe.  It's crazy.  I didn't know what to say to them without telling them that they're wrong flat out.  So we said goodbye and left.

The next day, I went out with this girl Adrian to share.  We weren't having much luck finding college age kids to talk to, so I was just going to talk to the next person that looked remotely my age.  I saw this one kid sitting on the ledge, so we approached him, and he was really nice.  He said he was from Virginia and he just finished the 10th grade and he was out here on vacation with his older brother and some of his friends.    So I asked the first question, what three words would you use to describe yourself, and one of the words he used was tough.  I asked him why and he said because his parents were divorcing.  Boom, connection right there.  I related so well to Nathan, which is probably why God directed me to him.  He said his desire to know God was an 8, so I asked him if he wanted to go through the KGP, and he said that he really needed it so much right now.  So I went through it with him.  Adrian stood there praying the whole time, and I never stumbled, didn't forget anything, and it was just awesome.  I had never gone through the KGP so smoothly before.  I can attribute that as God speaking through me.  I was only the vessel that he used.  He was so attentive and genuinely interested, that when I got to the prayer, I asked him if he wanted to pray it, and he said that he didn't know.  He was doubtful because he was so young.  I said that he could do it right here right now, it doesn't matter that he's only 16 years old.  So he said he would love to, so I prayed it with him, and he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior!!!  I've been the wingman in conversations where someone has accepted Christ, but never the leader.  It was such an awesome feeling to know that the Kingdom of God has one more person.  I gave him my phone number, and he said that he would definitely call me if he had any questions or just wanted to chat.  I've never felt so much love and compassion for a stranger before.  I wonder if this is what Jesus felt like.  So pray for Nathan, pray that his pains are calmed and that he just continues to seek out the help of God.

I was on cloud 9, and now I was supposed to meet Taylor, my accountability partner to do a soul-to-soul.  We went to Denny's and spent about 2 hours there until midnight.  I shared my story and  he shared his, and he told me things that he's never told another person, not even his growth group.  I feel very happy about being paired with Taylor.  He is an awesome kid and I know that we are just going to lift each other up and make each other the Christian men that God wants us to be.  His words are so kind and I know that we are going to have a lifelong friendship.

Continue to pray for my job!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Getting Closer to God

This past weekend was amazing, taking a break from job hunting.  Friday was just a chill day.  We were supposed to be job hunting, but I think it was good to take a break because everyone is discouraged and exhausted.  So that was my day to do laundry, and just catch up on stuff.  We've been on the go so much, it's hard to just sit back and relax.

Friday night was FNL, Friday Night Live, which is essentially Cru on Thursdays.  There's an MC, an awesome band, games, and a message.  Dan Allen, the project director, gives awesome talks.  He spoke about the importance of Jesus as we are reading through the book of Hebrews for the summer.

After FNL, we had a DANCE PARTY!  I knew how it was gonna end up.  Cru dances are all the same.  The girls dance together and the guys just jump around.  I was right.  But it was so much fun.  The dance took place outside right next to Mission Bay, and we could see the lights from the city from across the bay, and it was just so beautiful.  Then Sea World let off their fireworks, and it was almost as if they were for us.  Best night so far at San Diego.

The next day, we spent the whole day at the beach.  It was a hot day!  But I still didn't get in the water because the Pacific is freezing,and there were a lot of jellyfish out.  But I still had fun soaking in the sun, playing frisbee and volleyball and listening to music and reading.  I didn't get sunburned, but a lot of my friends did lol.

That night, we traveled down the boardwalk to Belmont Park, where we had a bonfire and sharing time.  We sung songs and shared stories of how we have been affected by God so far.  I actually got the courage to share what God has taught me.  I don't normally talk in front of large groups, and there's upwards of 160 people involved with SDSP, so it was a big step for me.  But God has really been working in my heart lately, just letting me trust in Him.  I shared my financial situation and how money really doesn't matter to get into the Kingdom of Heaven.  If God meant for me to have money, I would have it.  I knew coming into SDSP that I wouldn't be making a lot of money, but I took that step of faith and came here.  I still don't have a job, and the prospects of making a decent amount of money is pretty low.  All I can do is trust in the Lord that He will provide for me in every way possible.  And guess what, Sunday, I knew no mail came, but I checked it anyway, and there was an anonymous note saying that they were praying for me with $40 attached.  That's God right there.

Sunday, I went to church at this high school.  It was a church called the Flood.  It was an amazing church with amazing worship.  I loved it.  Then my ministry team had the responsibility of pairing up accountability partners, so I actually got to choose mine.  We haven't revealed them yet, but my partner is Taylor from NMSU.  I'm really looking forward to keeping accountability with him.

After the project dinner, I drove Ryon's car to Mt. Soledad, which is a mountain that looks over the city and the ocean.  He was really reluctant to let me drive his car, but he let me anyway.  I know the bad things that can happen when someone drives another person's car...  And I had 4 girls in the car with me.  Yeah I'm a playa.  We got to Mt. Soledad, where the famous scene from Anchorman took place (settled by the Germans, name means a whale's ...)  Haha best movie ever.  We arrived and took massive amounts of pictures.  Just looking at the city below us and the sunset to our left was such a majestic sight.  I've never seen a place so beautiful in my life.  When the sun set, the lights from the city were endless.  It was indescribable how many people live in SoCal.  We sung songs and prayed for Project, prayed for the people, the city, the world.  It was just absolutely so awesome being in the company of so many people who are close to Christ.  It makes you want a little more out of your relationship with God.

When I got back to Santa Clara, I was getting ready for bed, when Caleb, my roommate, starts talking to me about his experience at Mt.Soledad.  He said he's always been self-conscious of the way he worships, but tonight he said it was almost as if it were only him and God.  He also said that God talked to him that night.  I've heard of this happening before, and it just makes you think that a personal relationship with God is possible.  It made me strive to get even closer with my quiet times and prayers.

I'll keep you updated on the job front, but that book I was talking about in my last post, Crazy Love, it is written by Francis Chan.  This is a book every Christian should read.  Do it.  I'll lend it to you when we get back to school if you want.  It's a quick read.